Ambler EAC Meeting MinutesSeptember 22nd

Link to Original Minutes (Google Doc)



Members: Jill Sanchez, Liz Rosencrans, Nancy Coates, Shelly Grinar Boyd, Wes Pipitone, Hannah Lloyd

Visitors & Associates: Karen Delaney

  • Call to Order / Introductions (7:00-7:10)

  • Presentation: None

  • Public comments (7:10-7:20) None

  • Ways to Get Involved (7:20-7:25) 

    • National Solar Tour: October 2/3rd (

    • Drive the Future EV Showcase - Sat Sept. 25 12pm - 6pm (

      • Test drive EV’s from several Car manufacturers

      • Music, Raffles, Food, Vendors, Kids Fun zone

      • Learn environmental, financial and performance benefits of EV’s

      • Register as attending as a chance to win a $250 gift card. 

      • Location: parking lot of weavers way and ambler beverage 

      • opportunities to speak to EV owners

    • Adopt-a-tree in a public or park setting

    • Join the Ambler Tree Tenders Group! Become a tree tender by completing a PHS Tree Tender Training:

  • Formal approval of minutes from August 18th, 2021 (7:25-7:30)

    • All motioned to approve

  • EAC Updates (7:30-8:00)

    • EAC By-Law comments from Borough Council- (link) to file

      • last meeting between EAC and Borough Council was strictly Growing Ambler Greener related, no discussion on by laws

      • if more discussion is needed or desired on by laws please set another meeting

    • Meeting held with Borough Council to outline GAG Protocol

      • Hannah, Wes, Sarah and Mary Aversa attended to discuss GAG protocols

        • Borough approved all the protocol proposals we outlined in the email we sent

        • with seasonal changes towards the end of October we won’t be able to do work in competition with ground freeze

        • If we still have left over funds by mid October we will switch gears to larger recipients such as apartment complexes or businesses. 

    • Weekly GAG Meetings taking place most Mondays

  • Committee Chairs (8:00-8:30) No new updates from Open Space Committee, Creek Monitoring on Rose-Valley Creek. 

    • Education and Outreach Committee (Shelly) Started with this committee due to time limits at July/August Meeting

      • Pollinator Program

        • Fall update: request info from those who visited homes in the summer

          • If anyone in the EAC visited a resident to check on their project please email Shelly so she can keep track

        • video completed that Shelly was creating and shared previously in July's meeting

          • possible addition to EAC youtube, website 

          • Will ask for permission to post those who were filmed

      • Flyers for Bees- can be updated and distributed more extensively in late winter

      • Website Updates- Hannah Lloyd/ Student Volunteer - Has not been offered this semester

        •  Resources pages set up and are easy to fill out for any member who wants to fill them out

          • (EAC members) if any are not helpful or if you want to get rid of them etc. let Hannah know 

          • This resource page would be a good research project for students 

        • Hannah will set aside time next months meeting to show a quick demo on how to edit Square space

          • If you have any questions in the meantime on how to use it contact Hannah and she can meet with you to explain it 

        • Hannah- prepare to show EAC members how to create fillable and submittable forms for hold harmless that can go right onto the website for volunteers to navigate to prior to events 

  • Student project proposal for Ricciardi not approved (tree placement for vacant area by other entrance between homes)

    •  can still be ‘conceptual’ project for a student and maybe used for ‘mock presentation’ even if this is not a valid real world application 

  • Shelly shared student success stories for those who have been involved with the EAC in the past- ready to add their EAC work to resume

  • Student volunteer title ideas: 

    • not discussed at last bi law meeting with Borough Council 

    • EAC will create a list of title proposal verbiage for students that come to frequent meetings - a title they can put on their resumes etc. 

      • Ambler EAC Student Associate, Ambler EAC Student Ambassador (voted down at this meeting). 

      • Other ideas to follow 

  • Fox article written by Shelly - possible submission for Home Town news 

    • will also submit to other news outlets

  • Student involvement in tree planting?

    • Jill will forward volunteer info to Shelly for the planting

  • Treasurer (Wes)

    • EAC T-shirts- order progression

      • Jill will follow up again

    • Financial standing as of Sept 2021

  • memberships leftovers will be used for donations

  • conf & training: if anyone has training they would like to do there is funding left

  • Keep Ambler Beautiful Committee (Nancy)

    • Summer cigarette butt clean up event- dates TBD

    • Hatch LTK - Volunteer Day- was to be held Sept. 17

      • was cancelled due to rain

      • Rescheduled for Friday

    • Red tail Ambler Borough Park volunteer work - someone should be designated to stay at the park 

      • a volunteer to show other volunteers to clean up areas in the surrounding neighborhoods etc. 

      • there should also be a designated photo taker 

    • SIGNAGE (anti litter)

      •  around parks and on the roads there has been a lot of take out food containers and other related litter 

      • also need signage for cigarette butt litter

      • Can we use budget funds for signage ?

      • ’stop the drop’ theme - inspiration from NJ and UK

        • pair this with social media and ask borough council to share this on their socials and websites 

      • cigarette butt signage for parks needed 

      • Nancy showed images of inspiration signs- some of which are for purchase if we don’t want to make our own


      • Can the signs be a little shocking to drive in the message / call attention? 

        • Involve families and children hanging at the parks where the litter is? 

        • Can we take photos of picked up cigarette litter from clean up events and pose it somewhere that is unsightly like by a playground etc? 

      • purchase a few pre-made signs to start? 

      • NANCY can email Mary Aversa asking for permission to post these at parks 

        • at each park at an entry point? Or just problem areas. 

    • cigarette butt container idea: who would maintain and empty them etc. (or teracycle)

      • ‘pack it in pack it out’ mentality promotion instead ? - will the lack of receptacles get people in the habit of carrying litter with them 

      • could we have an ordinance to make cigarette litter finable

        • look into similar ordinances for surrounding townships that have them to use for inspiration

  • Climate Action Committee (Wes)

    • Update from Annual Ambler Car Show where the EAC sponsored group of EVs

    • Drive the Future EV Showcase - Sat Sept. 25 12pm - 6pm


  • EAC will be present again presenting and partnering with Zero Emission Musicians 

  • National Solar Tour: October 2/3rd (Copied from August) (

    • Haven’t had the time allowance for this year but will keep on radar for next year

    • Possible resources:


        •  Advising resource


        • Installation resource

  • Shade Trees Committee (Jill)

    • TreeVitalize

      • Tree order placed

        • 18 residential

        • 10 public trees

    • Adopt a Tree

      • A few trees still need to be adopted

      • 10 park trees will be up for adopt a tree and Hannah & Jill will begin working on this campaign shortly prior to spring

    • PHS Tree Checker Program

      • Recent Tree Checking complete

        • Citizen science tree health monitoring and stewardship program for public and private trees.

        • 8 volunteers went through PHS Tree Checkers training

        • 47 trees that were planted in 2020 & 2021 were checked

          • Determined vigor, circumference, tree pit care, proper staking, root flare exposure & bark health 

  • Stormwater Committee (Jill)

    • Growing Ambler Greener

      • Rain Gardens 38/75

      • Riparian Buffer Planting (3)

      • Rain Barrels 111/250

      • DSP 30/60

      • Permeable Conversions 10/22

      • Planning initiated on Steep Slope

    • Stormwater Workshops have been scheduled

  • New business (8:30-8:35)

  • Updates from Borough Council: 

    • We have been invited to present at October Council meeting

    • first tuesday meeting would be the best one to present at

    • ideas for presentation: cigarette butt ordinance

    • Could we present in November instead? 

      • WES will reach out and ask for this

  • Closing Thoughts (8:35-8:50)


    • TALK ABOUT EARTH FEST IN JAN - whether or not we have it  decide by FEB  

      • maybe we do it smaller scale in the gym with kids activities on the lawn

      • logistics and planning is time consuming - would need to make sure we have volunteer commitment 

      • Student involvement ? Hands on, clean up and set up etc. (cigarette butt clean ups day of)

      • can students create visuals , educational signage

      • community garden to table? 

  • Next meeting: Wednesday October 20th, 2021 at 7:00pm (8:50-8:55)

  • Adjournment (8:55-9:00)


October 20, 2021: Ambler EAC Meeting Minutes


August 18, 2021 Meeting Minutes