August 17, Ambler EAC Meeting Minutes

Link to original Document

Held at Ambler Borough Hall 


Members: Jill Sanchez,Wes Pipitone, Hannah Lloyd, Kirsten Puskar 

Visitors: Judy Baigis 

Absent: Nancy Roecker-Coates, Shelly Grinar Boyd

  • Call to Order / Introductions (7:00-7:10)

  • Presentation: None

  • Public comments (7:10-7:20) 

    1. Judy Baigis brought in some earth friendly containers to share from her recent outings. 

    2. Judy also brought in a news article about waste water management. 

    3. Spoke about Ambler and its surrounding counties sharing of water supply and management history.

    4. Spoke about powder laundry detergent, cloth “paper towels”, recycled toilet paper and etcetera along with how we use these items to be more green at home. 

  • Ways to Get Involved (7:20-7:25) 

    1. Attend Drive the Future EV event Saturday September 24 at Weavers Way from 5pm-9pm

      1. Let us know if anyone would like to represent the EAC at this please event let us know. 

    2. EAC Pick up and Prune Event Saturday September 24 

      1. 9:00-11:00 am.

      2. Meet up at Borough Hall 

      3. Pruning will take place on Butler and surrounding local public parks by Tree Tenders. 

    3. Purchase a tree for your front yard - Tree Sale now until Sept.14 

      1. List of available trees is now available. 

      2. If you know anyone in Ambler who needs or could use a tree, help spread the word!

    4. Help plant trees - Saturday November 19

      1. Mark your calendar, stay tuned for more information and sign ups. 

  • Formal approval of minutes from June and July, 2022 (7:25-7:30)

    1. No quorum to vote (Jill had to leave early)

    2. Awaiting two months of minutes approval

  • EAC Updates (7:30-8:00)

    1. Hometown News Article due September 7

      1. IDEA: Speak about the passing of the Single Use Plastics Ordinance. 

        1. Shout outs to Nancy and Pennenvironment

        2. Speak to what this means and why it is exciting for the future 

    2. Three young downtown trees have been pruned to remove bottom branches.

    3. Ambler Boro will install two residential rain barrels this week

      1. Progress has been slow due to vacations, delayed communication and residents needing to build a rain barrel base and purchase a diverter. 

      2. Idea: Someone handy could consider making an adjustable base for these that is more attractive. 

  • Committee Chairs (8:00-8:30) No new updates from Climate Action Committee, Open Space Committee, Creek Monitoring on Rose-Valley Creek. 

  • Education and Outreach Committee (Shelly) 

    1. Absent. 

  • Treasurer (Wes)

    1. Please be sure to add any and all EAC expenses to the reimbursement sheet. 

  • Keep Ambler Beautiful Committee (Nancy)  

    1. Plastics Ordinance education

    2. Signage for Ambler Borough Park

Nancy called Pannier Graphics for a quote:

Double Inline Wayside

Two 36”x48” panels $495 each

Aluminum base $1300-$1400

Shipping $200

  • Take care in placement planning for this sign, keep in mind the amount of flooding that happens in Borough Park. 

  • September 24 E. Butler Ave Clean Up & Tree Tender Tree Pruning Event

    1. 9 am to 11 am 

    2. Meet at Borough Hall 

  • Shade Trees Committee (Jill)

    1. The Fall Tree list is available

      1. Website has been updated 

        1. Trees are online with information on each type of tree offered. 

      2. Payment option now includes Venmo, as well as checks and money orders 

        1. Spoke with Albert about taking credit card payments in the future.

        2. There may be a cost associated with this that we could build in.

        3. Ball is rolling with this, stay tuned. 

      3. Residents will be receiving a 5x7 postcard about the sale

        1. Thank you Chris Raines for helping to create this mailing list. 

        2. Order placed with Minuteman Press and will likely go out next week.

      4. Tree Planting Date - Saturday November 19

    2. Invited local Tree Tenders to help prune trees during the Pick-up and Prune event on Saturday September 24

      1. Only Tree Tenders will be allowed to prune 

      2. Trees to be pruned include:

        1. Jean Thompson Park - 2 trees

        2. Locust Street Park - 4-5 trees

        3. State Farm, Main & Butler - 1 tree

        4. Gypsy Blue - Butler Ave - 1 Tree

        5. Geronimos/Tannery Run - Butler Ave 1 Tree

        6. Borough Hall Trees - approx 8 trees

    3. Jill has been working with code enforcement about adding public trees.

      1. Reached out to NAPA to try and get trees on Lindenwold.

      2. Forest garden cut down some trees- looking to replace.

      3. El Limon

        1. Looking to plant a tree between Gypsy Blu and El Limon where there is a block of brick pavers. 

      4. Saint Joe’s church on Rosemary 

        1. Looking to have trees planted by the side walk to provide shade to the side walk.

      5. Hope Garden will be contacted to plant some trees after their recent landscaping reset. 

        1. There is a landscape plan for the property with a tree requirement. 

  • Climate Action Committee

    1. Single use plastic ban. 

    2. Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act

      1. What this means for residents/homeowners who want to go green.

      2. This will reduce greenhouse gasses by 42% by 2040

      3. Rebates and discounts on green products

        1. $2,000 a year could be saved by using these incentives 

        2. 30% off up to$ 600 on windows

        3. Same as above for doors, but $500 

        4. Home energy audits, 30% up to $300

        5. Heat pumps (heating and cooling unit that runs off electricity), up to $8,000 dollars per house

        6. Electric water heaters, up to $1,750

        7. Electric stove tops,up to $850 

        8. Renewable energy receives 30% with no cap and includes a battery system. 

          1. This is retroactive, if you got solar in 2022 you can still get this. 

        9. Electric vehicles: 

          1. financial incentive cap offs are gone

          2. Has to be american manufactured

          3. Some restrictions apply regarding battery manufacturing, etc. 

          4. Used EV’s will also get the tax incentive

          5. Price limits apply for incentives, separate to trucks and sedans etc. 

          6. Income limit: if you make over 300,000 a year as a family or 150,000 as an individual you won’t get the incentive 

          7. There are tax incentives for commercial EV vehicles as well. 

          8. Incentives are transferable 

      4. The Ambler EAC will post this in more detail on social media. 

        1. WES

  • New business (8:30-8:35)

    1. None 

  • Updates from Borough Council: 

    1. The Plastic ordinance passed at yesterday's meeting! 

      1. 2023 - no plastics bags, straws only on request, etcetera 

      2. 2024 - ban on styrofoam 

      3. See Borough Website for more details.

  • Closing Thoughts (8:35-8:50)

  • Next meeting: Wednesday September 21th, 2022 at 7:00pm (8:50-8:55)

  • Adjournment (8:55-9:00)


September 21, 2022 Ambler EAC Meeting Minutes


July 20, Ambler EAC Meeting Minutes