July 21, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Ambler EAC Meeting Minutes

July 21st, 7pm In Person Meeting 


Met outside by Wahl Playground

Meeting Minutes Link


Members: Jill Sanchez, Wes Pipitone, Hannah Lloyd, Shelly Grinard Boyd, Liz Rosencrans, Nancy Roecker Coates

Visitors: Madge Monser

  • Call to Order / Introductions (7:00-7:10)

    • No new visitors came to the meeting and signed in

  • Presentation: None

    1. Future presentations may include

      1. A lesser Celandine (invasive plant) presentation by a resident currently in contact with Jill. 

        1. To occur likely after labor day.

      2. Bridgette Chadwick may speak on electric cars at a future meeting after being in contact with Wes. They are also a contact of Rick Denzine (Zero Emission Musicians). 

        1. The EAC would like to plan for this to occur in September or October so it is relevant to our involvement in the car show.

  • Public comments (7:10-7:20)

    1. None

  • Ways to Get Involved (7:20-7:25) 

    1. Adopt-a-tree in a public or park setting

      1. There are still trees available for adoption, visit the EAC website to find out more.

    2. Join Ambler Tree Tenders Group! Become a tree tender by completing a PHS Tree Tender Training:

      1. Sept. 22, 29 & Oct. 6 (2.5 Hrs over 3 days via zoom)

      2. Sat. Oct 2 in Philly (8 Hrs Live)

      3. Sat Oct. 9 in Norristown (8 Hrs Live)

      4. Register at: https://phsonline.org/programs/tree-programs

  • EAC Updates (7:30-8:00)

    1. EAC By-Laws (link)- council requested adjustments: Associate Members

      1. There is an issue with the ‘associate members’ verbiage that has been addressed recently.

      2. EAC Members are appointed by Ambler Borough Council

      3. The EAC members held private meetings to discuss this issue.

      4. The term ‘associate members’ has been removed, will be discontinued and will now be replaced by ‘volunteer’ in all appropriate outlets as well as in the bi-laws. 

      5. Shelly has questioned if we can designate a term for students that is appropriate but higher in status than ‘volunteer’ to reward them for heavy involvement / completing larger projects with the EAC.

        1.  A term they could use that would elevate them for college applications, resumés etc. 

      6. Associate Member term revoking and its relation to GAG?

        1. Ambler Borough will be more involved with the Growing Ambler Greener Grant

        2. The EAC intends to set up a meeting to discuss this further and seek clarity on topics such as contact point person, extent of involvement etc.

      7. The EAC would like to seek out the ability to have a liaison from Ambler Borough Council to attend meetings and be more involved with the EAC. 

      8. The EAC had a final approval of the bi-laws at this meeting following this last amendment.

        1. Liz will up date the bi laws with these approved ammendments

    2. Meeting Recordings & Sharing of Minutes

      1. A ‘right to know’ concern has been brought to the EAC’s attention

        1. The EAC was urged to be familiar with and careful of this right and be sure that we are not violating this in any way.

      2. Meetings are not recorded live and saved or distributed etc.

        1. Meeting Minutes are the avenue used to share the meeting content

          1. Posted both on the website and distributed via email 

          2. Minutes and the live meetings themselves are publicly available

    3. SLF- Taping of Public Trees

      1. Dan, who was in charge of the physical taping, has left Ambler for college.

      2. The EAC plans to save the left over tape not used this year for next spring

        1. The EAC will be sure to plan early prior to next Spring and allow extra time for working out logistics. 

        2. Spring time is the best time for tree taping.

  • Committee Chairs (8:00-8:30) No new updates from Open Space Committee, Creek Monitoring on Rose-Valley Creek. 

    1. Treasurer (Wes)

      1. We need to order new EAC t-shirts for volunteers

        1. Discussed how many, what sizes, Mens vs. Womens style

          1. Will be ordering 10 more shirts

            1. 5 men and 5 women

            2. In larger sizes (they run small)

        2. Approx. $10 a shirt

      2. Website platform switch

        1. The EAC will be switching web hosting platforms from Word Press to Squarespace.

        2. Squarespace is more user friendly and accessible to those without a web design background. Also connects well to social media.

          1. All members in favor of this switch.

        3. $12 a month with a free domain name for the first year

          1. After the first year the domain name is $20 a year

          2. The Budget allows for this cost.

            1. Wes - please designate a financial budget for this

  • Keep Ambler Beautiful Committee (Nancy)

    1. Summer cigarette butt clean up event- dates TBD

      1. Nancy had suggested clean up day events to a local business to use as their ‘volunteer day’ but has not received a committed response. 

      2. Nancy will be setting a date for the next clean up, likely to be September and possibly towards the end of the month.

  • Climate Action Committee (Wes)

    1. EAC will sponsor group of EVs at the Annual Ambler Car Show 

      1. Ambler Car show August 29

      2. In partnership with Zero Emission Musicians and Ambler EV 

        1. Ambler EV may set up their own booth at the car show

        2. Is seeking sponsorship from the EAC

          1. To be discussed further as more details come

        3. Regardless of sponsorship level the EAC will be present with both above groups at the car show.

  • Shade Trees Committee (Jill)

    1. TreeVitalize

      1. Ambler EAC will be selling fall shade trees in August/September. Anyone interested in a tree can email amblereac@gmail.com

        1. Once the list of trees comes out there are about two weeks to order a tree(s)

        2. Jill is seeking volunteers to hand out flyers

        3. Possible flyer edits:

          1. Can we make the shade trees have more appeal?

          2. Maybe add hand written personal notes on flyer where appropriate before placing them under door mats with suggestions on great planting spot opportunities.

          3. Advertise the landscaping advisor more that is available to help tree purchasers decide on trees and where to plant them.

          4. Create profiles to highlight certain trees?

      2. Can we replace the tree outside of Ambler Vegan Co?

      3. Can we place a tree in front of the auto shop on Lindenwald where the road forks?

      4. Jill will reach out to the fire station and the library to see about planting more public trees there.

        1. Jill has started a list of possible places trees could go in public spaces. 

        2. She is also keeping a list of interested homeowners who have expressed interest recently.

        3. Please reach out to Jill Sanchez with any tree planting suggestions.

    2. Jill spoke with Glenn Kutcher (Ambler Borough Code Enforcement) about planting trees in the hell-strip by sidewalks and also the Ambler Square Park.

      1. Ambler Square has not been handed over to Ambler yet.

        1. Once it is, we can discuss tree additions.

        2. Maybe more trees can be added along Butler Pike?

      2. Hell-strip planting response:

        1. Concerns include not blocking the line of sight for cars in corners, staying clear of utility lines and the risk of snow plows knocking over trees.

          1. Jill spoke to the Philadelphia based PHS tree planting program about their street trees and found they do not have issues with snow plows.

            1. It was recommended that stakes and boundaries be added to help avoid this just in case.

          2. A neighbor on Rosemary Ave would like to plant a tree in the hell-strip outside her home.

            1. The EAC will plant this for her and if it does not work out the EAC will replace this tree and plant it elsewhere.

    3. Adopt a Tree

      1. Adopt-a-tree program is a success. We still have a few trees that still need to be adopted

        1. Tree on Forest Ave 

        2. A tree by the playground in Ambler Borough Park

        3. Catalpa tree in Wahl playground

        4. Visit the web page for full map and information

      2. Program may be implemented at the new pocket park - TBD

    4. Tree Tenders - Love Your Park Day

      1. Local Ambler PHS Certified Tree Tenders met to prune trees in Ricciardi park on 6/12 and 7/17

    5. PHS Tree Checker Program

      1. Citizen science tree health monitoring and stewardship program for public and private trees.

        1. Pilot run for suburban areas, usually in the city!

      2. 8 volunteers went through PHS Tree Checkers training

        1. Jill Sanchez, Hannah Lloyd, Bill Baker, Scorr McCalla, Lizette Volckmar, Alaina and Chloe (student volunteers and recent tree tender graduates). 

        2. Madge to check Ambler Borough Park trees.

      3. July 13 to August 9

      4. So far the primary discoveries has been that root flares are often being planted too deep and that arbor ties are being attached to trunks too tightly.

        1. This information will be used for education and training in future plantings.

  • Stormwater Committee (Madge/Jill)

    1. Bank Pinning

      1. Sites implemented in ABP, Steep slope updates have been asked for by Mary Aversa and provided via email

    2. Growing Ambler Greener

      1. Rain Gardens 38/75

        1. More lined up and underway

      2. Riparian Buffer Planting (3)

        1. Mostly complete.

      3. Rain Barrels 111/250

        1. More barrels incoming soon.

      4. DSP 30/60

      5. Permeable Conversions 10/22

      6. Planning initiated on Steep Slope

  • Education and Outreach Committee (Shelly)

    1. No updates given at this meeting due to lack of time

      1. Focus attention to this topic at next meeting.

  • New business (8:30-8:35)

    1. No updates

  • Updates from Borough Council: None

  • Closing Thoughts (8:35-8:50)

  • Next meeting: Wednesday August 18, 2021 at 7:00pm (8:50-8:55)

  • Adjournment (8:55-9:00)


August 18, 2021 Meeting Minutes