June 21, 2023: Ambler EAC Meeting Minutes


Members: Wes Pipitone, Hannah Lloyd, Nancy Roecker-Coates, Will Nassau, Kirsten Puskar

Quorum Met

Guests: Rick Denzien, Mark Settman, Jill Sanchez

link to original minutes document


  • Call to Order / Introductions (7:00-7:10)

  • Presentation: None 

  • Ways to Get Involved (7:10-7:20)

    1. Become an EAC Member 

      1. Two seats open

    2. Ambler Camp Programming could use volunteers 

      1. Below under Education and Outreach Committee 

  • Formal approval of minutes for May (7:20-7:25) 

    1. All motion to approve 

  • EAC Updates (7:25-7:45) 

    1. Bird Town 

      1. On the Council Agenda last night, but was tabled for another meeting due to time constraints 

      2. July 18 is the next Council Meeting (Agenda has not been released yet). 

    2. Transferal of chair position from Wes Pipitone to Nancy Roecker-Coates

      1. Tabled for next meeting

  • Committee Chairs No new updates from Open Space Committee or Creek Monitoring on Rose-Valley Creek. 

  • Education and Outreach Committee (7:45-7:55) 

  • Ambler Camp Programming (Summer Programming) 

    1. July 3rd Jill and friends of the EAC will go to Borough Hall and do the T-Shirt bag craft using leftover supplies from Earth Fest 

      1. Jill will provide clarification on location later 

    2. Noon - 1 pm Borough Hall 

    3. Volunteers needed 

  • Jill, Judy Baigis and Nancy are doing a litter clean up on July 24 at Knights Park with Ambler campers

  • Treasurer (Wes) (7:55-8:05)

    1. Reminder: Please be sure to add any and all EAC expenses to the reimbursement sheet. 

    2. Earth Fest Expenses and reimbursements update

      1. Wes submitted the rest of the expenses for Earth Fest 

    3. EAC Budget is looking good, $4,000 approx for the year left 

    4. Public Comment: Can the EAC resurface a Tree Budget?

      1. ‘Hire an arborist to assess the downtown trees to give a professional opinion on their health and treatment recommendations via some form of document ’ 

        1. ‘The money that would need to be spent to remove these if they die would be more than preventative maintenance care’

      2. Another comment: ‘Can the EAC budget to plant native fruit trees in Knights Park in connection with the garden that are native?’

    5. EAC response: The EAC doesn’t have to stick to strict budget buckets (Earth Fest, Signs, Trees etc.), but should make sure that the sign project agreed upon previously is properly budgeted for before adding additional expenses. 

      1. Will revisit once we know a more exact cost for the park signage. 

      2. In the meantime please feel free to present the cost for this arborist assessment.

      3. Kirsten volunteered to get pricing from Dacey Tree and some of her other sources. 

  • Keep Ambler Beautiful Committee (Nancy) (8:05-8:15)

    1. Cell phone Recycling Program

      1. No updates on cell phone counts

    2. Litter clean up with Ambler Camp Program

      1. Spoken about above under Education and Outreach Committee 

  • Shade Trees Committee (In Need of Champion in order to stay active) (8:15-8:20)

    1. Any development on volunteer interest prior to Falls planting (PHS) 

      1. Mark Settman is interested 

      2. Previous leadership is not available to provide guidance on how to run this program.  

      3. Kirsten is willing to volunteer her assistance. She has been receiving local resident feedback that people are looking for this program. 

    2. Mark Settman would like to take the PHS Tree Tender course. 

      1. The EAC would be willing to cover this expense.

  • Climate Action Committee (Wes) (8:20-8:30) 

    1. CCA for PA: No New updates as of tonight

      1. CCA for PA: Community Choice Aggregation 

  • New business (8:30-8:40)

    1. Park signage

      1. Review survey results for signage sizes etc. 

      2. Survey: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/004bc9029c6a41c8b4659094fa409dcd

        1. Suggestions from this survey highlights the following: the addition of trees and native shrubs, benches with dedication, dog walking and waste disposal, trail/path upgrades, stormwater infrastructure that doesn't impede with recreational ability, seating… and "add educational signage about environmental practices such as green stormwater infrastructure and native plants in parks."

        2. Improving the riparian buffer in Ambler Borough Park was also recommended. 

        3. EAC discussed how the survey results could impact & inspire the Park Signage design plans.

        4. Suggestion: instead of a large wayside sign, plan for smaller stand by signs that you can read while walking along trails and other spaces. 

        5. 3-4 signs spread across the park, split into categories 

          1. Splitting these across multiple signs also makes the project more manageable in ‘bite size pieces’

          2. Will quote one before deciding on final quantity 

            1. Nancy to get quote

            2. When getting this quote, please also check on lead time for manufacturing.  

          3. Comment from EAC Member: Can one of these signs focus on the history? 

        6. Hannah will start creating a general template for this, copy can follow later and be fit into this template's provided spaces. This could help save time and keep the project flowing.

    2. Further thoughts from the Park Survey report above.

      1. Could the EAC do some smaller projects based on these recommendations?

        1. Bird houses, etc. 

        2. Could it be a Girl Scout project? 

        3. Requires championship / volunteer effort

    3. Kirsten has been contacted by Flat Belly Vegan (local restaurant) and was asked to collaborate with them on a potential Veg Fest for next year. Possible collaboration with Ambler main Street. 

    4. Regional EAC conference  

  • EAC Meeting Memo - 15Jun23.docx

  • Upper Dublin would like to see if other regional EAC’s are willing to do a conference on September 23rd. 

    1. Nancy gathered names of interested attendees and will follow up. 

  • Also, October 21 EAC Fall EAC Gathering 

    1. https://weconservepa.org/blog/save-the-date-eac-fall-gathering-saturday-october-21-at-west-chester-university/

  • Public comments (8:40-8:50) 

    1. Recycling bin prevalence and abundance at Main Street events. 

      1. Could there be more recycling receptacles clearly marked and available at main street events? 

      2. Public Comment: David Morgan used to have blue receptacles that could be outfitted with clear bags that would be used for this. Would require EAC to put these up and break them down though. 

      3. Kirsten will look into this subject further and meet with the Ambler Main Street Organisation to see how she can help out. 

    2. Public Comment: How can people in the public tactfully report businesses not adhering to the SUP ban?   

      1. You can send their information to code enforcement anonymously. 

    3. Suggestion: Can the EAC schedule a hike and brew or other meet up to meet with community members this Summer to generate interest and potentially new future members?

      1. Requires volunteer championship

        1. One EAC member may be interested in doing so.

    4. Could the EAC partner more often with the Ambler Community Garden and table at their events or just attend? 

    5. Seaspiracy: Rick Denzien is interested in planning a showing of this film with a vegan “seafood” dinner afterwards. He shared his ideas and plans tonight.

      1. Kirsten would like to volunteer her assistance with this

  • Updates from Borough Council: (8:50-8:55) 

    1. Bird Town tabled for next meeting, discussed above

  • Closing Thoughts (8:55-9:00)

  • There are two open seats on the EAC for membership. 

  • Hannah seeks a replacement for the Secretary role. 

  • Next meeting: Wednesday July 19, 2023 at 7:00pm 

  • Adjournment (9:00) 


July 19, 2023: Ambler EAC Meeting Minutes


Ambler EAC Meeting Minutes May 24th, 7pm