June 15, Ambler EAC Meeting Minutes

Meeting Held at Ambler Borough Hall. 7pm


Members: Hannah Lloyd, Wes Pipitone, Nancy Roecker-Coates, JIll Sanchez 

Guests: Kirsten Puskar, Kellee Lyn, Will Nassau, Judy Baigis  

  • Call to Order / Introductions (7:00-7:10) 

    1. Introductions made around the table, including some new visitors taking time to speak on their interests and backgrounds. 

  • Presentation: None

    1. Could we ask the Community Garden if they would like to present?

  • Public comments (7:10-7:20) 

    1. None. Visitors spoke during the introductions.

  • Ways to Get Involved (7:20-7:25) 

    1. Hike and Brew with the EAC - Sunday July 24. Hike starts at the Ambler Post office at 4pm. We’ll conclude our hike at Forest and Main. 

      1. First hike event was last month and was a nice success. 

      2. A nature hike ending with a beer, some light snacks and socialization. 

      3. Jill will stop by Forest and Main that afternoon to reserve a table 

      4. The EAC ask if we can bring some light snacks

      5. There will be the option to order local from nearby restaurants

    2. Come out to make public comments at Borough Council meetings concerning the ongoing single use plastic ban ordinance. 

      1. First and third Tuesdays of the month. 

    3. September (date to be determined) there will be a Tree Tenders course offered by PHS

      1. Email the EAC for more information

    4. Love your Park Days

      1. Certified Tree Tenders will meet up to prune and care for park and street trees. 

      2. Dates being determined currently.

  • Formal approval of minutes from May11th, 2022 (7:25-7:30)

    1. All motioned to approve. 

  • EAC Updates (7:30-8:00)

    1. Held a Team Up to Clean Up event on May 21

      1. Clean Ups seem to be helping reduce overall litter trends!

      2. With School being out now, some litter seems to be coming out again. 

      3. Next year we may not need to do a full clean up of all five parks. 

      4. Maybe next year the clean ups could focus more on Knight Park and downtown streets. 

      5. A good idea may be to forgo a Spring clean up and focus on doing a Fall clean up. 

        1. Spring clean up felt too close to Earth Fest and Summer clean up would potentially be too hot.

      6. Try to get some local business owners involved. 

    2. Held a Hike and Brew on June 5

      1. VIsited Zibi’s garden, a neighbor next to Ambler Borough who has a naturalized property he enjoys sharing. 

        1. Zibi shared with the group his plants, pollinator homes and some education on why gardening native is beneficial.

      2. Meeting at 4 pm worked well for a hike and brew

      3. Walk took about an hour and a half

    3. Discuss ways of finding members

      1. Could we have signage or a table at the Farmers Market?

        1. The EAC previously had an educational table at the Farmers Market

          1. Tables the EAC has had: Yoga, make your own ice cream, rain barrel education, story book readings. 

    4. The EAC will have a table at the AmblerFest June18

      1. The table will be to help create awareness for the EAC and talk about why we exist and what opportunities there are to volunteer.

      2. We Can set up between 7 and 8 on Saturday. 

      3. Vendors have to be out by 6. 

      4. Table with signage etc. 

      5. Have a sign up clipboard for the mailing list and volunteer opportunities. 

        1. Also, we will have a sign up clipboard for a chance to get free trees to Borough Residents.

      6. Staff the table mostly at high traffic times. 

      7. Wes and Hannah will start staffing the table at 11  and be at the table on and off until about 2 pm. 

        1. Looking for assistance after 2. 

      8. What table material do we have?

        1. Children's educational books and material

        2. Sunflower seed giveaways 

        3. Make a singular flier to affix to the table that talks about the EAC, what we do, list of the projects and a QR code to scan to our website. 

        4. Display a rain barrel and ask people to sign up for them. 

    5. Field trip to Moscaro. 

      1. Set a date and reach out to plan this. 

    6. Jill is continuing to care for the downtown rain barrels. 

      1. Added a new spigot to the Decks rain barrel

      2. Would like to replace the rain barrel at Act II 

      3. Plant Ambler made some rain barrel maintenance suggestions.

        1. These were attended to.

      4. Getting Rain Barrels installed to give away recipients 

        1. Would prefer to install these in bulk 

        2. Communication with rain barrel recipients is time consuming. 

        3. Some Rain Barrels and tools need to be returned - including a circular saw tool. 

    7. Girl Scout project: September - June

      1. In May Jill sent a list of possible project ideas

      2. All members: please look over the list and give your input / approval 

  • Committee Chairs (8:00-8:30) No new updates from Climate Action Committee, Open Space Committee, Creek Monitoring on Rose-Valley Creek. 

  • Education and Outreach Committee (Shelly)

    1. Shelly is absent 

  • Treasurer (Wes)

    1. Please be sure to add any and all EAC expenses to the reimbursement sheet. 

  • Keep Ambler Beautiful Committee (Nancy) 

    1. Held Team Up to Clean Up - Saturday May 21

    2. Plastics Ordinance education

      1. See above in ways to get involved 

    3. Signage for Ambler Borough Park

      1. Now that Earth Fest is over, this could be a new focus project. 

      2. Will put together a mock up sign with pricing to use as a pitch for approval. 

      3. Hannah to do the graphics/educational illustrations. 

      4. Will look for volunteer effort for the writing section. 

        1. Nancy

      5. Where to place the sign?

        1. Maybe below steps and to the right. 

        2. Try not to be too close to the water in case of storm damage / rising water.

      6. Nancy will call the sign company to gather a template, pricing and suggestions. 

        1. After Nancy gathers some data points, Jill, Hannah and Nancy will gather support. 

    4. September potential E. Butler Ave Clean Up 

  • Shade Trees Committee (Jill)

    1. The next tree sale will be in August 2022

    2. This year the Ambler EAC will not be participating in the Tree Checker program.

      1. We hope to participate next year

    3. Jill and Hannah are scheduling more ‘Love your Park Days’ for local tree tenders. 

      1. Four days - dates to be announced 

        1. Butler Ave Trees

          1. Cutting low hanging branches 

        2. Ricciardi

        3. Knight Park

        4. Pickering 

          1. Some lower branch damage has been noted. Will remove these lower branches to prevent them being ripped off or hung from.   

  • Climate Action Committee

    1. No news. 

  • New business (8:30-8:35)

  • Updates from Borough Council: 

  • Closing Thoughts (8:35-8:50)

    1. Maybe prior to the next meeting we could ask Jenn Henderson when the next Community Garden meetings are and add those to the Agenda. 

  • Next meeting: Wednesday July 20th, 2022 at 7:00pm (8:50-8:55)

Adjournment (8:55-9:00)

Original Document


July 20, Ambler EAC Meeting Minutes


May 11, 2022 Ambler EAC Meeting Minutes