Ambler EAC Members

  • Wes Pipitone


    Wes was inspired to get involved after seeing the state of public affair’s lack of environmental regulation and science. Taken from his financial background, Wes emphasizes long term planning and categorizes the environment as an important investment now as part of our future well being. Wes wants to help Ambler and the surrounding communities create a environmentally conscious economy that spurs innovation and stewardship. Wes see’s the Ambler EAC’s grassroots approach as the perfect way to progress this coalition and make Ambler an example of how other communities can be both economically thriving and responsibly operating. When not volunteering, Wes enjoys Kayaking, Hiking and Camping at our national and state parks.

    Wes grew up in Ambler, attending Mattison Ave Elementary school before it became the Ambler town hall. After completing a degree in Finance from The Fox School of Business, Wes moved back to Ambler with his fiance and dog because of it’s community, culture and environmental stewardship.

  • Nancy Roecker Coates


    As a child growing up in Maryland Nancy spent most of her time outside playing in the woods, creeks and streams with her sister. As an adult she fostered her love for nature by hiking and exploring the Pocono Mountains with her two sons. Becoming increasingly aware of environmental degradation, Nancy looked to act locally to reduce the risks caused by human behavior. She is pleased to join Ambler’s EAC in 2020 and work on reducing tobacco product waste (cigarette butts) within the borough as well as support the other vibrant EAC initiatives.

  • Kirsten Puskar

    Growing up with home vegetable and flower gardens planted and maintained by her mother, grandmother and great grandmother, and her family’s love of summer camping, Kirsten graduated from Penn State University and worked as a Landscape Architect. She saw the design goals change from aesthetics to sustainability and became certified as a Health Care Garden (HCG) Designer hoping to help people heal and improve their health. She designed public parks, athletic fields, hospital gardens always trying to help people improve their activity and health. She saw first-hand the environmental benefits of beautiful native plantings requiring less maintenance and water, how these selections improved the soils, the groundwater recharge and reduced heat islands. She met a dietitian at the HCG design course and realized her dream of helping improve public health through diet. 2016 she graduated from Drexel University and has been working as a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) helping people transition to a plant-based diet. She still is passionate about the environment and helps the EAC organize a variety of volunteers for Earth Fest as well as help plant street trees.

  • William Nassau

    Will joined the EAC in the Winter of 2022.

  • Mark Setman

    Mark grew up in the country in Upper Bucks County with a love for the outdoors, often running, cycling, hiking and camping. He and his wife became Ambler residents in February 1999. Always being a proponent of recycling and litter clean ups locally, but wanting to make more of an impact, he joined the Ambler EAC. He has a great desire to get involved with both planting new trees and saving existing ones. Since moving to Ambler, he has seen a lot of improvements within the Borough and would like to be a part of even more progress into the future. Mark graduated from Bucknell University, having studied Civil Engineering with an emphasis in Environmental Engineering.

  • Matt Walker

Friends of the EAC

  • Hannah Lloyd

    Previous member.

    Hannah Lloyd has always loved to visit Ambler leading to a move to the area in 2019 with Her partner, Wes Pipitone. Hannah grew up climbing trees, exploring the woods behind her elementary school after class and looking forward to the yearly family camping trip throughout her childhood, leading to a love and care for the outdoor world as an adult. Whenever she has free time she chooses to spend it camping, kayaking, hiking, backpacking and anything else she can do outdoors with her partner and their dog.n goes here

  • Lisette Volkmar

    Lisette is a Pennsylvania Horticultural Society certified Tree Tender who helps out with many of the EAC’s tree related volunteer days (and more!)

  • Susan Curry

    Susan Curry has been involved with the Ambler EAC since 1999. She is the former EAC chair; former president of the Alliance for a Sustainable Future; founded Pennypack Farm & Education Center in 2003 (an organic CSA farm); received grants to reduce lawn chemicals in Ambler vicinity, increase best storm water management practices on stream side properties, plant 100s of trees, restore riparian buffers beyond 50′ in Borough Park; install rain gardens all over town, develop a downtown tree management policy. Active advocate for natural resource protection ordinances, and served on BoRit asbestos citizen advisory group.

  • Jill Sanchez

    Jill’s love of trees and nature started at an early age. When she was 8 she begged for a Happy Meal only because the prize was a small live pine tree. As a kid she loved climbing trees and reading about how communities implemented recycling practices (before recycling was mainstream). After living in Sweden for a year as a nanny, her love of nature, recycling and sustainability blossomed. Jill has spent years managing the Ambler EAC’s TreeVitalize program.7. Seventy-seven of those trees were planted in public spaces. Jill also co-managed Ambler’s Adopt-a-tree program with Hannah Lloyd.

  • Erin Landis

    Erin’s passion for the environment and sustainability was instilled during a childhood spent camping and creek exploring, while also watching the area around her become more developed. After graduating with degrees in Environmental Science and Geology and settling in Ambler, the EAC was a perfect place to plug into local green initiatives and connect with the community. She has been a member of the EAC since October 2017 and has welcomed the opportunity to contribute towards a greener community.

  • Liz Rosencrans

    Brought up in wooded Bucks County next door to a scenic state park bustling with critters and plants a plenty, Liz sprouted a deep love for nature. When she left home for a developed college town she realized how important our natural environments are both for our bodies and minds. Liz went on to graduate with degrees in Environmental Geography and Geology to learn more about what makes our planet tick. Since moving to Ambler she’s joined the EAC to help connect our community with our natural environment and supports local projects. Liz was a member of the EAC from May 2019 to December 2021..

  • Robert Pace

    Robert is a certified Master Watershed Steward (MWS) in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Robert serves as a Site Assessor in support of the Ambler Environmental Advisory Committee’s Clean Streams, Clean Water Program. As a MWS, he has also focused on stormwater management issues in the County, including restoration and maintenance of stormwater management basins and rain gardens, planning for and implementing riparian buffers, and educating children and adults on the benefits and value of our water resources. Prior to becoming a MWS, he spent his career as a water resources professional in the public and private sectors, including development of watershed management plans and ecosystem and aquatic restoration projects in the Chesapeake Bay region. He has worked on environmental and water projects throughout the U.S. and overseas. He currently works part-time for an environmental strategy firm, supporting environmental restoration and protection programs for the port industry. Robert’ life-long passion and dedication to the environment and water issues continues in his retirement through volunteer service.