Meeting Minutes: January 17, 2024

Ambler EAC

Meeting Minutes

January 17, 2024 7pm

Meeting held at Ambler Borough Hall 

  1. Welcome to members and guests (7:00pm)

  2. Attendance and Approval of Minutes: present: Wes Pipitone, Nancy Roecker Coates, Matt Walker, Mark Setman, Will Nassau Absent: Kirsten Puskar

  3. Committee Reports

  1. Park Signage (Nancy Roecker-Coates and Hannah Lloyd)

  1. Signage proof came back, final edits were made by Hannah and approved. Frame proofs approved by Marco. 

                B. Policy Discussion (Chair: Matt): 

  1. Communicate policy priorities to Borough Council via email

  2. There is an incorrect data point in our RF 100

  3. In Ambler, businesses create about 2.5Xs the amount of carbon creation than Ambler’s homeowners. 

  4. PPA is better for the local environment than buying energy credits

  5. Ambler EAC to send a document to council for top in 2023 priorities. 

  6. Discussed what a possible tree ordinance may entail

  7. Public members in attendance expressed support CCA for PA

  8. EAC to create social media campaign to create awareness and public knowledge on CCAs

     C. Treasurer’s Report (Wes Piptone) 

  1. We used all of 2023’s budget. 

  2. 2024’s budget has to be confirmed but expected to be the same as last year. 

     D.Keep Ambler Beautiful (Chair: Nancy Roecker Coates)

                  1.  Cell phone recycling - ongoing. 22 more this month.  

  1. MLK litter clean up 

    1. EAC provided supplies for residents to do clean ups. 4 families got equipment to do the event. 

     E. Shade Tree Committee (Mark Setman/Kirsten Puskar)

  1. Contact PHS, prepare flier for residents spring planting

    1. Matt and Mark identified 18 possible places for trees including Knight park and pickering. 

    2. Trees are $90 each from PHS and we would have to have the order to PHS by Feb 12th. 

    3. Mark may need some assistance with setting up the process. 

  2. Butler Ave tree health, lighting suggestions

    1. Provided info on alternative lights(similar to Rittenhouse Sq) to the borough who forwarded to Ambler Main.

     F. Climate Action Committee 

  (Chair: Wes Pipitone, Members: Matt Walker) 

  1. CCA for PA 

  2. CFI (Community Fueling Infrastructure) grant available. We would need to apply by May. Municipality pays nothing, gets paid to rent. 

  3. Solar Grant

     G. Winter Salt Watch (Owen Baim)

     H. Ambler Borough Park - Chair: Kirsten (Absent)

  1. RedTail Restoration activity

     I.  Borough Council Update 

Will communicate EAC 2024 priorities to council via an email

     J. Attending neighboring EAC Meetings (Judy Bagis) 

  1. Whitpain Meeting January 10th

    K. EAC Vacancy - Please submit interest letter and resume to Ambler Borough’s manager

  1. Public comments 

  1. Upcoming EAC Events

  1. Next meeting: Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 7:00pm 

  2. Adjournment 


February 21, 2024 Meeting Minutes


Meeting Minutes: November 15, 2023